In Russia, they are outraged that the US did not issue visas to journalists: "We will not forget, we will not forgive"

In Russia, they are outraged that the US did not issue visas to journalists: "We will not forget, we will not forgive".

Russian journalists were not issued visas to cover the work of the head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov, at the UN events in New York, and Russian officials promise retaliatory measures.

Source: Deputy Head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Ryabkov, in a comment to journalists, as reported by Interfax, Sergey Lavrov, quoted by RIA Novosti, a source in diplomatic circles of the Russian Federation.

Ryabkov's exact words: "The Americans have used another outrageous and absolutely unacceptable method in preparing for the participation of the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in the events of Russia's chairmanship in the UN General Assembly, which is coming to an end. The group of Russian journalists who were supposed to accompany Lavrov on this trip were not issued visas, and this decision was made up to the last moment. The Americans pretended that they were working on the issue, and a decision would be made soon."

Details: According to Ryabkov, "this is a game of nerves, this is mockery, this is another reflection of the fact that colleagues in Washington not only cannot be trusted, they should simply not be listened to."

"I emphasize, we will find forms to respond to this, so that the Americans remember for a long time that this is not how things are done. And they will remember it," the deputy minister said.

Lavrov himself commented on the situation with the phrase: "We will not forget, we will not forgive."

A Russian diplomatic source in a comment to RIA Novosti stated that the attitude towards American journalists in Russia will be the same as in the US towards Russians after the story with the non-issuance of visas for work at the UN. According to him, American journalists will feel all the discomfort, inconvenience, and similar treatment. Photo by, Wikimedia commons.

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